Saturday 14 May 2011

We shouldn't treat the animals like that. They have rights.

          What do we know about animal rights? Do we truly understand it? It is indeed a very fragile topic to discuss about. Everyone tends to have different opinions and thoughts about it, based on different individuality, the responds may vary. Animal rights have had always been important to me. There is a lot of organization in this world that are formed to justify and defend against animal rights. We are no different compared to an animal, come to think of it our premature ancestors are in the figure of an ape. The only difference in between us, humankind and animal is that we have the ability to think rationally and act like a human.
          There is a lot of news reporting on animal abusing. Do not you feel crestfallen when you see the animals being battered, harmed, abused or any physical torture? Animals are like us human, they have feelings and they feel pain. They have love, they protect their little ones from danger and they take good care of their little ones just like how we humans do. As we humans learnt moral values when we are all just a little being, we should consider the ethical side of animal righteousness. We are taught since young of many ethical values, as I have just mentioned above, we humans can think rationally. If one is to commit an act of torture or abusing an animal, is not he no difference compare to a heartless creature or a dreadful beast? A man’s best friend as they have always mentioned, is a dog. How can a dog be compared to us human when we are much more greater than animal? If we are to think consciously and clearly, a dog can be a man’s best friend because it can always stay loyal and faithful to it’s owner no matter under which or what circumstance. Can a human do that? Can a human stay loyal? Not every human can achieve it and we humans should be respecting and protecting such animals.
          Animals are amazing, they are the creation of God just like we humans are. Because of our egocentric attitudes, we destroy their homes, cutting down the trees of the forest and what we get is what we want but what they get is the threatening of life. Some humans even slaughter animals just to enjoy, what they thought, “delicious” taste of the animal’s meat. In China, they have dog meat in every kind of dishes, some of them even opened a restaurant selling dog meat. Recently, a video poser posted a video of a worker in a small factory slaughtering a dog. It had received a very big impact from different kinds of views, opinions, responses and many had rise up their voices against the workers that are killing the dog. This issue is a very big concern to the society around the world as to the community within the region. It is very serious as this act is unethical and very brutal. Are we not civilized citizens? Do not we have any pride or integrity? How can we human do such un-human acts? We should be protecting and preserving the habitats of animals in this world instead, we are harming and causing an immense damage to them.
          Humans has human rights same goes to animals has animal rights. If we can respect and follow the rules of human righteousness, we definitely can follow the rules and without any doubts, respect animal rights. We as humans have a lot of benefits because we can think and act the way we want, rationally. But to the animals, they do not have the ability to think and act like how we human does, that is why we humans tend to take advantage on them, doing whatever they like to the poor animals; killing animals for their furs, meat, fangs and horns for antique collection, doing dreadful things and hurting animals in terrible ways. Animals deserves to be appreciated and just like us, well respected too. We should consider animals’ feeling and we should really take a huge step into their “world.” We should not be such self-centered beings, fulfilling our sinful desires by harming animals.
          We must be aware and have our full attention on animal rights. We are all civilized people and civilized beings do not do uncivilized acts. We should stand up for animal rights and fight against it. We should protect our beloved animals and do not let them be harmed by heartless beings. Animal rights should be as important as human rights.

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