Saturday 14 May 2011

Heal the world by giving them rights

When I was young, I bullied animals a lot. However when I start to grow up, my thinking was starting to get mature. I felt that all animals have their own rights, not only animals actually, every single living things created by God should be given rights, should be taken care properly, of course these includes the plants and trees.

    Animal right, also known as animal liberation is the idea that the most basic interests of non-human animals should be afforded the same consideration as the similar interests of human being. Like nowadays, there are a lot of animal schools. We can send them there to learn tricks and or basic skills such as, where to pee or dispose their wastes.

This is also meant that animal should be threaten as non-human person and members of the moral community, and should not be used for food, clothing, research subject or entertainment. This point of view has been presented by a lot of expert, for instance philosopher-Peter Singer and many others. Those guys showed a bad example that brought a huge negative impact to our future generation that follows our footsteps.

            As the world population nowadays is paying more attention to the right of an individual, therefore, non-human animal as an ‘individual’ should not be neglected. In country, there are a lot of organization which named to be animal’s guardian, but they are not doing the same thing as what they have shown externally to the people.

            Nevertheless, there are still some organizations which do help animal to own their rights. SPCA, an organization in Selangor has done it well in protecting animal. In these years, SPCA had help numbers of animal to change and also to improve their live. Adoption, donation and etc are available in SPCA to help these ‘orphan’ to better up their live.

            Besides, law should be strengthen to protect animal so that they have the legal rights to own a more comfortable, safe and healthy living condition. People should have heart of empathy to them, as we definitely dislike others not paying respect to us. This will also happen to the animal as they also have feelings.

            Elementary school should aim to educate students to create awareness, empower and motivate people to be agents of change to improve animal’s living condition in their communities. This will inculcate people moral thinking of giving animal legal rights to have a better living condition without fear and anxiety.

    There’s once a case. There’s a girl kicking a kitten. Her act was recorded down by the CCTV, and that video was uploaded to youtube. After the video was spread out, a lot of people were hunting for her, until she needs to come out to make an official apologize.

            In conclude animal has the right to own a living condition similar to us. Animal should be fed three times per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), live under a shelter, get to see doctor when they are sick, exercise, have some entertainment and etc.

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