Saturday 14 May 2011

The best period of my life

Life is full of honey and medicine. The best part about it is that the things that we have been through will always stays in our memories forever. It inspired us. The things we been through, the fun we had in, the story of a new experience begin, the success and failure we gone through, the friends we meet and the friends we acknowledge has bring life to our life. Each of us has a story to begin with, a part of it to tell. My story begins with…..
 During childhood, I never thought of joining basketball at all, I used to play football, badminton, swimming, cycling but not ever basketball. I remembered that is that day my parents asked me to join basketball. It is when my small brother started joining basketball first and he came back with lots of sweat and fun. When my parents asked me to join basketball too, I just said one word- OK, and that is how it begins every chapter in my life. 
I am in the basketball school team, and that is the hardest part of all because we had to train very hard and i will be so tired and exhausted. Telling the truth, I do not even  know how i got into the school team. I remembered the first day when i joined basketball, way back that time I was in standard 5, for my age, I am late to join the basketball for 1 year compared to my friends, I am just having fun playing basketball without knowing what is happening at all, and of all, my basketball coach come and talk to me and said, ' finally i see you play basketball'. Few weeks later, my coach come and talk to me and asked whether i wanted to join the school team or not because the team need someone like me that is tall. And i answered 'anything', my coach then asked me to come and have a trial and i went. 
I remembered i was the first and fastest to go to level 2. normally people had to learn for more than half a month and have a test only to get to level 2, but i only went for few weeks and i got into level 2. My brother is already in level 2 and since then we went to basketball together. On my first day in level 2, I was very hyper, keep running and talking like will not get tired, maybe i was too excited. Well, after the trial, i was in the school team. 
The saddest thing is have to keep training, training, and  keep on training. One thing for sure, i did not wasted my time training and keep improving. With my friends train and experiences along with me, i feel happy and enjoy. Every tuesday and thursday evening after class, we had to go training, but eventhough i am now 18 years old, i still remember the days we train together as a team and the feelings towards it. 
The saddest thing is during MSSD finals, we lost to catholic by one point only. I can remember my coach have tears in his face and most of my teammates cried too. We had train so hard and long and came prepared for this coming match, but i guess we are still not strong enough. I did not chosen for MSSS, but coach let me train together with the candidates that is chosen for training for MSSS. 
My coach is like my second father. He teaches us many and many of things, not only in basketball, but in life. He teaches us the way of life and the important in life. He gave us courage, hope, dignity, pride and lessons that our team will never forget. Although he looks strict as he is and straight forward, but he is a very nice person if people do not make him angry. He is willingly to teach anybody, even parents. For what i have seen, parents and teacher and other coaches also find help and advice from him. He is truly the best coach i ever had and i do not regret following him for so long.
Moving on to secondary school, the best part of my life! I had one primary best friend studying in the same school with me, he always been my best buddy and brother. I followed to where my coach are teaching basketball in the school and i still do not regret it. Since i and my teammates started planting our seeds in this school, the seeds grew to buds and eventually grew to a big giant tree. Since we enter secondary school, our coach had lead us to countless glory, from form 1 to form 5. Eventhough we had many suffering and sweat along the journey, but we as a team, including our coach walk through the journey together as one. 
Although people changes around us when we grow up, people come, people go, but it does not change a thing because i am very happy that the friends i once had is still there inside me and make an influence to my life, even a little. 
I remembered once i had done something and didnt turn up for training for that day, and the competition is 3 days away, my coach was very angry, but he just asked me do i still wan to play basketball or not and i answer loudly that i wanted to continue playing basketball. Do not know why, but since i joined playing basketball, i slowly begin to love basketball and it had become part of my life. Whenever i see people plays basketball, i always have the rush to join and play and it makes me feel great too. I also remembered another time, that is far worst, my coach found out i had a girlfriend and that night in training, we had a quite long chat. At the end, he asked me one question that is do i still wanted to play basketball or not, because our coach wants us to be descipline at all times and study hard for our future good, i answered i wanted to play basketball again. I can see that my coach actually loves us and wants the best for us all. 
Our coach not only bring many glory to us, but enough fame and pride too. He had a very big dream in his life and he wants to go further. He lead us to various places to played with other teams and even from other countries. He bought us to where we will never expect to go, because he wants us to learn more and see more. 
The best period in my life is that i meet the best coach ever and teammates that he unite us all together. He likes father to us all, teaching and giving his knowledge and self experience to us. Without him, i do not think i could have gone through this far and meet many new friends. My teammates and I, including our coach had been a one big family, thanks to our coach. We been through many things together. Deep in our heart, we all are so thankful to him. He is a coach that is dedicated and spirited towards his passion and love of basketball. For so many years we had been with him, he loves us as much as a father loves their children. 

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