Tuesday 26 April 2011

~1st Week Of College~

    College life started already! I cannot believe that I am 18 already. I've been thinking how fast time passed before and now i experienced it. Just wondering the next time I think about this question, how old will i be?

    Anyway, college has started. Just like any normal teenagers, I am expecting to have a great time in college, wishing to meet a lot of new friends! So i have been aggressive in introducing myself to the 'strangers'. Unfortunately, all of them listened to their parent's advice at first, which is, "don't talk to strangers", which makes me looks like talking to myself when i try to approach them. Sad~ But i didn't give up! I keep trying to crazy stuffs and seems like its working. HAH! I took the entire week to know few of them. What a failure! Luckily, after another few days, they started to accept my craziness! AWESOME ME!!!

    At first i thought college will be in a relax situation for me, unfortunately i was wrong. The lecturers gave us a lot of stuffs to do, like blogs? Not only one blog that we need to manage, but two! It maybe weird, but I started to love blogging. Although i am lazy to blog, but i found out that browsing through friends' blog, then write our own blog is kinda interesting. Its like telling our story through this mass media. There are a lot that we cant speak out in reality, we can express it out here. So its kinda fun though!

    Starting of my college life will take some time for me to get the touch of being a college teenager, because its unlike secondary or primary school already. There are no teachers guiding u every single steps, we must act smart, learn smart already to survive in this era! At the first few days, i slept through quite a few lectures, which i think I am particularly doomed, but it's okay! I told myself not to slack anymore. I must concentrate in class to score well, because the fees for college is not a small amount. Hopefully, i will not disappoint my dad.

    There's one thing I am disappointed, that is about my favorite sport, BASKETBALL! The selection had closed one week before my intake, which i think is kinda not fair for me. I've been waiting for the basketball training for some time, but its always cancelled due to lack of normal club members. There's only training for the college team to prepare them for the university tournament.  Other than that, I am satisfied with everything in TAYLORS! Being a TAYLORIAN is so proud, because everyone likes Taylors and its famous! WOOTS! 

    I can only pray that my journey in this college will be smooth and full of excitement. Everything is unpredictable, what i can do is only to live the best and do the best! This new start will definitely bring my life into a new stage and unforgettable experience.